Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Non-random Clock Cycle Of Brain Waves

The principle of information coding by the brain
seems to be based on the golden mean.
What it means? There is no random wave motion,
brain waves repect the "divine proportion" of the golden mean*.

The golden mean as clock cycle of brain waves

The principle of information coding by the brain seems to be based on the golden mean. For decades psychologists have claimed memory span to be the missing link between psychometric intelligence and cognition. By applying Bose–Einstein-statistics to learning experiments, Pascual-Leone obtained a fit between predicted and tested span. Multiplying span by mental speed (bits processed per unit time) and using the entropy formula for bosons, we obtain the same result. If we understand span as the quantum number n of a harmonic oscillator, we obtain this result from the EEG. The metric of brain waves can always be understood as a superposition of n harmonics times 2Φ, where half of the fundamental is the golden mean Φ (=1.618) as the point of resonance. Such wave packets scaled in powers of the golden mean have to be understood as numbers with directions, where bifurcations occur at the edge of chaos, i.e. 2Φ=3+φ3. Similarities with El Naschie’s theory for high energy particle’s physics are also discussed.

Source: Harald Weiss and Volkmar Weiss,Rietschelstrasse 28, D-04177, Leipzig, Germany Accepted 20 February 2003. ; Available online 15 May 2003.

The brainwaves having a fundamental harmonic of 2Phi, implies that all other harmonics are infinitesimals or multiples of Phi, including the resonant frequencies which are powers of 2Phi/2. Even more, the brain can use powers of the golden section or the infinite Fibonacci word for its coding.

* read more on the golden mean (golden ratio) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio

1 comment:

Unknown said...

half of it yet remains un-understood..especially the math of it..